The Administrative Remedy Process

This is the process inmates have to use to get anything done in there, when they've been wronged or have a grievance.

Alex Glass

11/27/20222 min read

So, this is mostly informational for you guys out here. Perhaps in the future I'll put it in a newsletter but only after I've more thoroughly researched it. This is one thing you'll find about me. I WILL NOT tell you anything is fact unless I know it and have researched it. There's a thing in the BOP called inmate dot com. When I first got in, I didn't realize it was just the term they used for the rumor mill and actually asked a friend of mine on the outside to look it up LOL. I know right. Anyway, a lot of the information they get in there (I won't say all) is garbage. I've heard people purposely making stuff up just to get rumors started. So much like the internet, you have to be really careful where you get your information from. With that being said, here's how the administrative remedy process works.

It's a chain of command that you have to walk up to get something accomplished. Say, for example I have a medical issue that isn't being dealt with to my satisfaction. What the administrative process does is forces a written answer out of them and brings the problem to their awareness. Perhaps I've been to medical four times and they keep telling me the same thing which isn't the result I need.

I would then go to my Unit Counselor and ask for a BP-8.5 (although most just call it an 8). I would fill out what my issue is and the resolution that I would like to come out of it. If it's something he can take care of he will get back to you. I forget the time frame, but I think it's 30 days he has to get back to you. This one doesn't get filed anywhere and is called an informal resolution. Sometimes you can get things resolved, sometimes not depending on the issue.

The next one is a BP-9 which goes to the warden. All of these you have to go to your counselor to get which can be a pain in the you know what because they mostly just don't want to work, especially not if it benefits you. You have a time frame to file this after you get your 8 back and will be denied if you don't get it in time. So make sure that whoever you get this from, or wherever, has marked a date on it. All of these forms from here out will be filed and placed in the inmate's central file.

The next is a BP-10 and that goes to the regional office for whatever region your loved one is in. Again, the time frame and the making sure you have the date marked and you have a prescribed amount of time to respond.

A BP-11 goes to Grand Prairie at the head office of the BOP. All of the forms you file will be roughly the same. State your complaint and what you expect to happen. Once you get past the BP-8 you'll have to state why you disagree with the response(s) you've gotten so far. This is where it gets tricky because you have to get them with policy and make them follow their own rules.